Philosophy & Resources


The fields of Architectural Acoustics and Environmental Acoustics have experienced a tremendous growth in terms of the tools and resources that are available to their practitioners. Since its inception in 1979, C&C Consultants has been at the forefront of its industry by adopting and by developing the tools that allow the company to perform its work in an accurate and efficient fashion. This translates into time and savings for our customers, and decades of repeat business validate our approach.

Today, we use a range of commercial and custom-written computer tools for the analysis and the prediction of sound propagation in both indoor and outdoor settings, and for the analysis of vibration-generating systems. We create audible simulations to assess the effectiveness of our design recommendations, and we continuously develop new predictive and reporting tools to enhance design efficiency when commercial tools are not yet available. Our evaluation tools take into account a wide range of Standards (including those of the European Union) so that comparative performance goals can be developed for our clients with an international audience.

We use top-quality instrumentation during all testing and we adhere to well-established test protocols from the American National Standards Institute (ANSI), the American Society for Testing ands Materials (ASTM), the International Standards Organization (ISO), and the International Electrotechnical Commission (IEC.) The range of testing tools that we own include:

    Type I sound level analyzers with data logging & frequency analysis tools.
    Type II environmental data-loggers with multi-weeks recording capabilities.
    40-channel acoustic camera with real-time beam-forming & visualization software
    ● F-STC/NIC and F-IIC evaluation systems (sources, generators, tapping machine)
    Dosimeters for industrial noise monitoring (OSHA & ISO Standards)
    Single and dual-channel FFT analyzers with extensive data processing tools.
    Vibration analyzers (single & 3 axis) with long-term data logging capabilities.
    Very-Low-Frequency recorder & environmental parameters data loggers.
    Hand-Arm vibration analyzer.
    Ultrasonic & thermal imaging systems.
    Speech Articulation and Speech Privacy evaluation system.
    Precision sound and vibration calibrators
We maintain complete and accurate internal & external calibration records for all instrumentation. Our computer resources are upgraded on a regular basis to provide faster and more detailed output during the data analysis and visual/audible simulation phases of our work. Our reference library is constantly updated to reflect current research and findings, Federal and State regulatory information, and copies of local Ordinances. We also maintain up-to-date vendor documentation, product samples, and support files in various computer-aided-design (CAD) formats.