Dominique Chéenne, Ph.D., INCE

Julia Lauer-Chéenne, Ph.D.

Biographical Profiles

Dominique immigrated to the United States of America in 1979 and with his wife (Julia) founded C&C Consultants, a consulting practice specializing in acoustics and noise control with an emphasis on architectural and environmental projects. He received his Masters and Ph.D. degrees from the University of Nebraska, Lincoln, and he also holds an undergraduate degree from the University of Caen, France, as well as continuing education certificates in the area of industrial control systems. His primary research interests deal with computer modeling of room acoustics and with study of environmental noise propagation. In 1995, Dr. Chéenne was invited to join the faculty of Columbia College Chicago to develop the acoustics curriculum of the school's Sound Program; this opportunity combined with the desire to expand the firm's reach resulted in the opening of a second office for C&C Consultants in Chicago. Dominique directed the Acoustics Program within the Audio Arts & Acoustics Department until his retirement in 2017 (at the rank of Full Professor) and Columbia College Chicago awarded him Professor Emeritus status in 2018.

Julia met Dominique in 1976 while returning to the US (through France) from a two-year duty in the Peace Corps. She received her Masters and Ph.D. degrees from the University of Nebraska, Lincoln, and she also holds an undergraduate degree from the University of Iowa as well as an Associate in Business Degree from the Lincoln School of Commerce. Her primary interests deal with educational excellence within the strict standards associated with English as a Second Language (ESL) as well as 20th century French literature. Julia is responsible for project reviews, development of all business-related materials, scheduling/purchasing of resources, long-term planning, and adherence to the company's Mission statement.